GRANT to us, Lord, we
beseech thee, the spirit to
think and do always such
things as are right; that
we, who cannot do any
thing that is good without
thee, may by thee be
enabled to live according
to thy will; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
"Therefore, brethren,
stand fast, and hold the
traditions which ye have
been taught, whether by
word, or our epistle."
2 Thessalonians 2:15
"A never changing faith, in an ever changing world."
Praying for America, for the protection of her servicemen and women, for their families, for a just end to the War in Iraq, and for all who selflessly serve to protect, preserve and restore liberty, at home and around the world.
A New Home For Saint Andrew's!
For those of you who are
regular visitors to this website,
you will notice a new look. That
is because, by the grace of
God, Saint Andrew's has a
new home in a beautiful old
stone chapel. The chapel is
located on Highland St., in
South Middleboro, Mass. It is
the memorial chapel for the
historic Rock Cemetery that
surrounds it.
First Service . . .
We held our first service in the
new sanctuary on Sunday,
Sept. 2nd, 2007. It was a
beautiful and emotional day.
We gave praise and
thanksgiving to God from
whom all our blessings flow!
We hope if you have ever
considered visiting us, or have
visited us before, you will
return for worship and
fellowship. If you are seeking a
bible-centered, liturgical
church, we urge you to stop in.
Our growing congregation is
warm, friendly and, more
importantly, committed to their
historic faith and biblical
Celebrating 4 years . . .
For four years Saint Andrew's
has been practicing its
traditional Anglican heritage.
Now, as we begin our fifth
year, we pray God continues to
bless us. God has been very
good to our parish. To repay
his favor toward us we glorify
and honor his Name and
conduct ourselves accordingly
through his Son's love and
propitiatory death for us. We
pray you will join us.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we welcome you!
St. Andrew's Traditional Anglican Church maintains the heritage of the
Protestant Reformation as established in the Church of England, and in
the American Church in 1789. We are here to continue in that faith once
delivered to the saints. Many Christians have been martyred for this
faith, yet it still stands in this world so divided against itself and God.
We will not be moved from the truth of the gospel and the Apostles'
doctrine. We are standing on the promises of God as children of
adoption by the blood of Jesus Christ. We hold the Holy Scriptures to
be the Word of God, inerrant and infallible and authoritative for the
church throughout all generations. We worship according to the
historic 1928 Book of Common Prayer. We pray that our historic chapel
provides an instrument for the preservation of our traditional
Episcopal heritage and the promotion of the Gospels of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ.